Research track: cardiovascular sciences (3957)

Contact Person :Prof. dr. Virginie BITO
Coordinating lecturer :Prof. dr. Virginie BITO 
Co-lecturer :dr. Dorien DELUYKER 
 Prof. Dr. Wilfried MULLENS 
Member of the teaching team :dr. Annelies VANHEEL 
 Prof. dr. Bert OP 'T EIJNDE 
 Prof. dr. Dominique HANSEN 
 Prof. dr. Geert-Jan GRAULUS 
 Mevrouw Hanne BELIEN 
 dr. Jeroen DAUW 
 dr. Lieven HERBOTS 
 Mevrouw Lize EVENS 
 Prof. dr. Marc HENDRIKX 
 dr. Olivier GHEKIERE 
 dr. Petra NIJST 
 Prof. dr. Pieter MARTENS 
 Mevrouw Sarah D'HAESE 
 Mevrouw Sarah HOEDEMAKERS 
 De heer Sibren HAESEN 

Language of instruction : English

Exam contract: not possible

   Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
  Following programme components must have been included in your study programme up till now.
    Experimental Design in Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease (3950) 8,0 stptn

Degree programmeStudy hoursCreditsP2 SBUP2 SP2nd Chance Exam1Tolerance2Final grade3
1st year Master of Biomedical Sciences - Molecular Mechanisms in Health and DiseaseOptional2168,02168,0YesNoNumerical

1   examination regulations art.1.3, section 4.
2   examination regulations art.4.7, section 2.
3   examination regulations art.2.2, section 3.

SBU : course load SP : ECTSN : DutchE : English