Language of instruction : English |
Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
Quantum Mechanics 1 (1442)
4.0 stptn |
Quantum Mechanics 2 (1807)
4.0 stptn |
Quantum Mechanics 3 (3992)
4.0 stptn |
Relativity (3344)
3.0 stptn |
Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Following programme components are advised to also be included in your study programme up till now.
Elektrodynamics (3477)
5.0 stptn |
Electromagnetism (0174)
5.0 stptn |
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P2 SBU | P2 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | 3rd year Bachelor of Physics option Experimental Physics | Compulsory | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
3th year Bachelor of Physics option onderwijs | Compulsory | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
3rd year Bachelor of Physics option Theoritical Physics, Astronomy and Gravity | Compulsory | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
3th year Bachelor of Physics option twin | Compulsory | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics knows the prevailing theories of physics such as quantum mechanics, the (special) theory of relativity, electrodynamics, (statistical) physics and classical mechanics and is able to apply these theories in a number of predominant fields of physics. | - EC
| EC 2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme is able to combine various basic theories of physics in studying more complex phenomena which appear for example in solid state physics, astrophysics, atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics and biophysics. | - EC
| EC 5: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme gets acquainted with recent international scientific research, is able to consult international scientific sources and is able to accurately estimate their reliability. | - EC
| EC 7: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme is able to apply the mathematical methods which are used in physics and possesses good numerical skills, including computational techniques and programming skills. | - EC
| EC 9: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme knows the fields in which physicists work and takes into account the interests of the various stakeholders. | - EC
| EC 12: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics is able to communicate, report and present to colleagues in a correct and appropriate manner. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
- Nuclear properties: mass and binding energy, nuclear radius, nuclear angular momentum and parity, nuclear electromagnetic moments, nuclear excited states
- Nuclear models: Fermi Gas Model, Shell Model, Collective Model: nuclear vibrations and rotations
- Radioactive decay: radioactive decay law; alpha, beta and gamma decay.
- Elements of nuclear reactions, nuclear fission and fusion.
- Phenomenological introduction to the Standard Model: particles, interactions, conservation laws
- Relativistic kinematics
- Symmetries: isospin, parity, charge conjugation, CP violation, time reversal and CPT theorem
- Feynman calculus: Fermi Golden Rule for decay and scattering, Feynman rules for a scalar toy theory, amplitude and lifetime/cross-section in simple processes to lowest order
- Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, solutions to the Dirac equation, bilinear covariants
- Quantum Electrodynamics: Feynman rules, cross-section in simple processes to lowest order.
Orientation and employability:
- Nuclear physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Nuclear physics in industry and medical sector
- Particle physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Particle physics in industry and medical sector.
Recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics:
- Each student chooses a theme he/she is interested in, related to the content of the course
- For this theme the student, coached by the instructor, searches and selects a recent scientific article
- The student reads the article and prepares a written paper about it to be handed in before the exams and to be presented at the oral exam.
Lecture ✔
Small group session ✔
Paper ✔
Period 2 Credits 6,00
Evaluation method | |
Other exam | 34 % |
Other | The student writes a paper about a recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics, to be submitted by a given deadline, and presents this paper during an oral exam. The paper is based on a recent scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Submitting the paper is mandatory. The paper must be submitted and assessed as sufficient in order to receive a pass. |
Consequences | A student whose paper is not assessed as sufficient, will receive “F-fail” as final grade for the programme component, regardless of the result of his/her exam. |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Explanation (English) | 1. A student who did not submit the paper in the first examination opportunity, will be able to submit the paper in the second examination opportunity before a specific date communicated by the examiner.
2. A student whose paper was assessed as sufficient (pass) in the first examination opportunity, will keep this pass when determining the final grade for the programme component in the second examination opportunity.
3. A student whose paper was not assessed as sufficient, will be able to rework the paper once and will have to present the report(s) before a specific date communicated by the examiner. The student will be able to choose to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained in the first examination opportunity for the exam as partial grade in the second examination opportunity, providing this score was at least 8/20.
4. A pass for the paper will automatically be transferred to the next academic year in the event that the student will have to re-enroll in the programme component in the next academic year.
5. In the event that a student has not passed the programme component at the end of the academic year, the student may request to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained for the exam to the next examination opportunity in the case of re-enrollment, providing that the student obtained a minimum score of 50% for the exam. A lower score will not be transferrable to a following re-enrollment in the programme component. |
Compulsory textbooks (bookshop) |
Introduction to Elementary Particles, David Griffiths, second, revised edition, Wiley, 9783527406012,9783527406012 |
Compulsory course material |
Slides of the course part 1: Nuclei.
Slides of the course part 2: Particles.
Scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Recommended reading |
Introductory Nuclear Physics,Kenneth S. Krane,John Wiley & Sons, 0-471-80553-X |
 | 3th year Bachelor of Physics option free choice addition | Optional | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
Exchange Programme Physics | Optional | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics knows the prevailing theories of physics such as quantum mechanics, the (special) theory of relativity, electrodynamics, (statistical) physics and classical mechanics and is able to apply these theories in a number of predominant fields of physics. | - EC
| EC 2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme is able to combine various basic theories of physics in studying more complex phenomena which appear for example in solid state physics, astrophysics, atomic physics, nuclear and particle physics and biophysics. | - EC
| EC 5: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme gets acquainted with recent international scientific research, is able to consult international scientific sources and is able to accurately estimate their reliability. | - EC
| EC 7: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme is able to apply the mathematical methods which are used in physics and possesses good numerical skills, including computational techniques and programming skills. | - EC
| EC 9: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics programme knows the fields in which physicists work and takes into account the interests of the various stakeholders. | - EC
| EC 12: A graduate of the Bachelor of Physics is able to communicate, report and present to colleagues in a correct and appropriate manner. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
- Nuclear properties: mass and binding energy, nuclear radius, nuclear angular momentum and parity, nuclear electromagnetic moments, nuclear excited states
- Nuclear models: Fermi Gas Model, Shell Model, Collective Model: nuclear vibrations and rotations
- Radioactive decay: radioactive decay law; alpha, beta and gamma decay.
- Elements of nuclear reactions, nuclear fission and fusion.
- Phenomenological introduction to the Standard Model: particles, interactions, conservation laws
- Relativistic kinematics
- Symmetries: isospin, parity, charge conjugation, CP violation, time reversal and CPT theorem
- Feynman calculus: Fermi Golden Rule for decay and scattering, Feynman rules for a scalar toy theory, amplitude and lifetime/cross-section in simple processes to lowest order
- Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, solutions to the Dirac equation, bilinear covariants
- Quantum Electrodynamics: Feynman rules, cross-section in simple processes to lowest order.
Orientation and employability:
- Nuclear physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Nuclear physics in industry and medical sector
- Particle physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Particle physics in industry and medical sector.
Recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics:
- Each student chooses a theme he/she is interested in, related to the content of the course
- For this theme the student, coached by the instructor, searches and selects a recent scientific article
- The student reads the article and prepares a written paper about it to be handed in before the exams and to be presented at the oral exam.
Lecture ✔
Small group session ✔
Paper ✔
Period 2 Credits 6,00
Evaluation method | |
Other exam | 34 % |
Other | The student writes a paper about a recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics, to be submitted by a given deadline, and presents this paper during an oral exam. The paper is based on a recent scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Submitting the paper is mandatory. The paper must be submitted and assessed as sufficient in order to receive a pass. |
Consequences | A student whose paper is not assessed as sufficient, will receive “F-fail” as final grade for the programme component, regardless of the result of his/her exam. |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Explanation (English) | 1. A student who did not submit the paper in the first examination opportunity, will be able to submit the paper in the second examination opportunity before a specific date communicated by the examiner.
2. A student whose paper was assessed as sufficient (pass) in the first examination opportunity, will keep this pass when determining the final grade for the programme component in the second examination opportunity.
3. A student whose paper was not assessed as sufficient, will be able to rework the paper once and will have to present the report(s) before a specific date communicated by the examiner. The student will be able to choose to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained in the first examination opportunity for the exam as partial grade in the second examination opportunity, providing this score was at least 8/20.
4. A pass for the paper will automatically be transferred to the next academic year in the event that the student will have to re-enroll in the programme component in the next academic year.
5. In the event that a student has not passed the programme component at the end of the academic year, the student may request to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained for the exam to the next examination opportunity in the case of re-enrollment, providing that the student obtained a minimum score of 50% for the exam. A lower score will not be transferrable to a following re-enrollment in the programme component. |
Compulsory textbooks (bookshop) |
Introduction to Elementary Particles, David Griffiths, second, revised edition, Wiley, 9783527406012,9783527406012 |
Compulsory course material |
Slides of the course part 1: Nuclei.
Slides of the course part 2: Particles.
Scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Recommended reading |
Introductory Nuclear Physics,Kenneth S. Krane,John Wiley & Sons, 0-471-80553-X |
 | Bachelor of Mathematics - verbreding twin | Broadening | 162 | 6,0 | 162 | 6,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 10: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has knowledge of a number of applications of mathematics | - EC
| EC 11: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has acquired basic knowledge in another scientific discipline. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
- Nuclear properties: mass and binding energy, nuclear radius, nuclear angular momentum and parity, nuclear electromagnetic moments, nuclear excited states
- Nuclear models: Fermi Gas Model, Shell Model, Collective Model: nuclear vibrations and rotations
- Radioactive decay: radioactive decay law; alpha, beta and gamma decay.
- Elements of nuclear reactions, nuclear fission and fusion.
- Phenomenological introduction to the Standard Model: particles, interactions, conservation laws
- Relativistic kinematics
- Symmetries: isospin, parity, charge conjugation, CP violation, time reversal and CPT theorem
- Feynman calculus: Fermi Golden Rule for decay and scattering, Feynman rules for a scalar toy theory, amplitude and lifetime/cross-section in simple processes to lowest order
- Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, solutions to the Dirac equation, bilinear covariants
- Quantum Electrodynamics: Feynman rules, cross-section in simple processes to lowest order.
Orientation and employability:
- Nuclear physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Nuclear physics in industry and medical sector
- Particle physics research, with attention to Belgian-Flemish research groups and international collaborations and experiments
- Particle physics in industry and medical sector.
Recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics:
- Each student chooses a theme he/she is interested in, related to the content of the course
- For this theme the student, coached by the instructor, searches and selects a recent scientific article
- The student reads the article and prepares a written paper about it to be handed in before the exams and to be presented at the oral exam.
Lecture ✔
Small group session ✔
Paper ✔
Period 2 Credits 6,00
Evaluation method | |
Other exam | 34 % |
Other | The student writes a paper about a recent research topic in nuclear and/or particle physics, to be submitted by a given deadline, and presents this paper during an oral exam. The paper is based on a recent scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Submitting the paper is mandatory. The paper must be submitted and assessed as sufficient in order to receive a pass. |
Consequences | A student whose paper is not assessed as sufficient, will receive “F-fail” as final grade for the programme component, regardless of the result of his/her exam. |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Explanation (English) | 1. A student who did not submit the paper in the first examination opportunity, will be able to submit the paper in the second examination opportunity before a specific date communicated by the examiner.
2. A student whose paper was assessed as sufficient (pass) in the first examination opportunity, will keep this pass when determining the final grade for the programme component in the second examination opportunity.
3. A student whose paper was not assessed as sufficient, will be able to rework the paper once and will have to present the report(s) before a specific date communicated by the examiner. The student will be able to choose to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained in the first examination opportunity for the exam as partial grade in the second examination opportunity, providing this score was at least 8/20.
4. A pass for the paper will automatically be transferred to the next academic year in the event that the student will have to re-enroll in the programme component in the next academic year.
5. In the event that a student has not passed the programme component at the end of the academic year, the student may request to transfer the partial grade he/she obtained for the exam to the next examination opportunity in the case of re-enrollment, providing that the student obtained a minimum score of 50% for the exam. A lower score will not be transferrable to a following re-enrollment in the programme component. |
Compulsory textbooks (bookshop) |
Introduction to Elementary Particles, David Griffiths, second, revised edition, Wiley, 9783527406012,9783527406012 |
Compulsory course material |
Slides of the course part 1: Nuclei.
Slides of the course part 2: Particles.
Scientific article chosen by the student during the course. |
Recommended reading |
Introductory Nuclear Physics,Kenneth S. Krane,John Wiley & Sons, 0-471-80553-X |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |