Language of instruction : English |
Exam contract: not possible |
No sequentiality
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P2 SBU | P2 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
| Master of Occupational Therapy | Compulsory | 81 | 3,0 | 81 | 3,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical | |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| MI2 - Contribute to the development of occupational therapy or multidisciplinary evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of specific and complex problem areas. | - EC
| MI3 - Implement new trends and guidelines in a team in a focused manner. | - EC
| MI4 - Display an active attitude for professional renewal and lifelong learning, keeping in mind the social changes of the twenty-first century. | - EC
| MI6 - Continuously question the basic concepts of human action (occupation), collect data and contribute to the body of knowledge of occupational science. | - EC
| MM2 - Following the principles of project management, initiate, supervise, execute, evaluate and adjust a project. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
The student will be introduced to different design paradims (i.e. person-centered design, Universal Design and Design Thinking) and is expected to explore the implementation of these paradigms in an ongoing (or new) design project within an interdisciplinary context. The student is able to critically reflect on their iterative process within the context of Occupational Science and inclusion.
Lecture ✔
Small group session ✔
Period 2 Credits 3,00
Evaluation method | |
Written evaluaton during teaching periode | 50 % |
Oral evaluation during teaching period | 50 % |
Transfer of partial marks within the academic year | ✔ |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Afwezigheid tijdens de opdrachten tijdens de onderwijsperiode dient gewettigd te worden. Indien de student gewettigd afwezig is tijdens de opdrachten, wordt een vervangopdracht voorzien. |
Consequences | Bij ongewettigde afwezigheid tijdens de opdrachten tijdens de onderwijsperiode, krijgt de student een N voor dit gedeelte. Als de student een onvoldoende behaalt op N onderdeel van de evaluatie van het opleidingsonderdeel, wordt het gewogen gemiddelde van de niet afgeronde evaluatieonderdelen berekend en wordt er van dit niet afgerond gewogen resultaat 0.5 punt (op20) afgetrokken. Dit resultaat vormt het eindresultaat van dit opleidingsonderdeel. |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |