De elektronische studiegids voor het academiejaar 2024 - 2025 is onder voorbehoud.

Microbiology (1567)

Contact Person :Prof. dr. Francois RINEAU
Coordinating lecturer :Prof. dr. Francois RINEAU 
With assistance :Mevrouw Ann WIJGAERTS 
 Mevrouw Dominika TYLUS 
Member of the teaching team :Mevrouw Rene SHAEFFER 
 dr. Rik VERDONCK 

Language of instruction : English

Exam contract: not possible

   Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Group 1
  For following programme components you must have acquired a credit certificate, exemption, already tolerated unsatisfactory grade or selected tolerable unsatisfactory grade.
    Laboratory skills (2918) 3.0 stptn
Or group 2
  Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
    Basic and practic skills in Chemistry (3461) 10.0 stptn
Risks or safety issues based on which this sequentiality is imposed

Satefy risk in lab

   Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Group 1
  Following programme components are advised to also be included in your study programme up till now.
    Biology of the Cell (3370) 5.0 stptn
    Chemistry for Life Sciences 1 (2919) 5.0 stptn
    Chemistry for Life Sciences 2 (2920) 3.0 stptn
Or group 2
  Following programme components are advised to also be included in your study programme up till now.
    Biology of the Cell (3370) 5.0 stptn
    Introduction to biochemistry (1399) 4.0 stptn

Degree programmeStudy hoursCreditsP1 SBUP1 SP2nd Chance Exam1Tolerance2Final grade3
3rd year Bachelor of BiologyCompulsory1355,01355,0YesYesNumerical

3rd year Bachelor of Chemistry option BiochemistryCompulsory813,0813,0YesYesNumerical

3rd year Bachelor of Chemistry package free choice additionBroadening813,0813,0YesYesNumerical

1   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2.
2   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2.
3   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.

SBU : course load SP : ECTSN : DutchE : English