De elektronische studiegids voor het academiejaar 2024 - 2025 is onder voorbehoud.

Partial differential equations (3341)

Contact Person :Prof. dr. Sorin POP
Coordinating lecturer :Prof. dr. Sorin POP 
Member of the teaching team :Mevrouw Ayesha JAVED 
 Prof. dr. Fred VERMOLEN 
 Prof. dr. Jochen SCHUETZ 

Language of instruction : English

   Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components

The students are advised to complete the following course before following 'Partial Differential Equations': 'Vector Calculus and Differential Equations' (4708).

Following 'Functional and Fourier analysis' (3985) is not necessarily required, but Fourier series are assumed to be known.

'Analysis 2' (3190) and 'Dynamical Systems' (3195) are useful but not necessarily required.

De studenten worden geadviseerd om de volgende cursus af te ronden voordat ze 'Partial Differential Equations' volgen: 'Vector Calculus and Differential Equations' (4708).

Het volgen van 'Functionele en Fourieranalyse' (3985) is niet noodzakelijk vereist, maar Fourierreeksen worden bekend verondersteld.

'Analyse 2' (3190) en 'Dynamische Systemen' (3195) zijn nuttig maar niet noodzakelijk vereist.

Degree programmeStudy hoursCreditsP2 SBUP2 SP2nd Chance Exam1Tolerance2Final grade3
3rd year Bachelor of MathematicsCompulsory1355,01355,0YesYesNumerical

Exchange Programme MathematicsOptional1355,01355,0YesYesNumerical

3th year Bachelor of Physics option twinBroadening1355,01355,0YesYesNumerical
3th year Bachelor of Physics option free choice additionBroadening1355,01355,0YesYesNumerical

1   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2.
2   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2.
3   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.

SBU : course load SP : ECTSN : DutchE : English