De elektronische studiegids voor het academiejaar 2024 - 2025 is onder voorbehoud.

Architectural Poetics (3696)

Contact Person :Arch. Iwert BERNAKIEWICZ
Coordinating lecturer :Arch. Iwert BERNAKIEWICZ 
Co-lecturer :Prof. dr. Nicoletta GRILLO 

Language of instruction : English

Exam contract: not possible

   Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
  Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
    Envisioning Architecture 2A (3690) 3.0 stptn
    Envisioning Architecture 2B (3691) 3.0 stptn
   Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components

If you wish to include Architectural Poetics in your academic programme, we strongly recommend that you do so only if you have already passed or used tolerance for 3690 Beelding 2A and 3691 Beelding 2B

Degree programmeStudy hoursCreditsP2 SBUP2 SP2nd Chance Exam1Tolerance2Final grade3
3rd year Bachelor of ArchitectureCompulsory813,0813,0NoYesNumerical

Bridging Programme Architecture year 2Compulsory813,0813,0NoYesNumerical

Exchange Programme ArchitectureOptional813,0813,0NoYesNumerical

1   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2.
2   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2.
3   Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.

SBU : course load SP : ECTSN : DutchE : English