Onderwijstaal : Nederlands |
Examencontract: niet mogelijk |
Geen volgtijdelijkheid
| Studierichting | | Studiebelastingsuren | Studiepunten | P2 SBU | P2 SP | 2de Examenkans1 | Tolerantie2 | Eindcijfer3 | |
| master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie | Na selectie | 81 | 3,0 | 81 | 3,0 | Ja | Ja | Numeriek | |
| Eindcompetenties |
- EC
| EC1 - De Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie kan in eigen professioneel denken en handelen -- met een gepaste ingenieursattitude en met continue aandacht voor de eigen vorming -- adequaat communiceren, effectief samenwerken, en rekening houden met de duurzame, economische, ethische, maatschappelijke en/of internationale context en is zich hierbij bewust van de impact op de omgeving. | | - DC
| DC8 - De student kan kennis en vaardigheden kritisch evalueren om op basis hiervan eigen denken en handelen bij te sturen. (kritisch reflecteren) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on communication) | | - DC
| DC9 - De student kan mondeling en schriftelijk (grafisch) communiceren. (communiceren) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on projectwork) | | - DC
| DC10 - De student kan constructief en verantwoordelijk functioneren als lid van een (multidisciplinair) team. (samenwerken) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on internationalisation and societal awareness) | | - DC
| DC11 - De student handelt maatschappelijk verantwoord en binnen een internationaal kader. (internationaal gericht en maatschappelijk verantwoord handelen) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on internationalisation and societal awareness) | | - DC
| DC12 - De student geeft blijk van een gepaste ingenieursattitude. (ingenieursattitude) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on the engineering attitude) | - EC
| EC2 - De Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie beheerst een geheel van chemische technieken en technologieën en kan deze creatief concipiëren, plannen en uitvoeren als geïntegreerd deel van een methodologisch en projectmatig geordende reeks van handelingen binnen een multidisciplinair project met een belangrijke onderzoeks- en/of innovatiecomponent | | - DC
| DC1 - De student heeft kennis van de basisbegrippen, structuur en samenhang. (kennis bezitten) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on knowledge). | | - DC
| DC2 - De student heeft inzicht in de basisbegrippen en methodes. (begrijpen) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on insights) | | - DC
| DC3 - De student kan problemen herkennen, activiteiten plannen en actie ondernemen. (initiëren en plannen) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on initiating and planning) | | - DC
| DC4 - De student kan informatie opzoeken, meten of verzamelen en correct refereren. (data verwerven) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on acquiring data) | | - DC
| DC8 - De student kan kennis en vaardigheden kritisch evalueren om op basis hiervan eigen denken en handelen bij te sturen. (kritisch reflecteren) | | | - BC
| The evaluation criteria are determined by the host institution, in cooperation with the home institution, and depending on the nature of the international activity. The home institution should take care that there is enough overlap with the expected competences (especially research and/or job specific competencies and skills). (with a focus on critical reflection) |
| EC = eindcompetenties DC = deelcompetenties BC = beoordelingscriteria |
In deze cursus wordt state-of-the art kennis en toepassingen uit diverse wetenschappelijke en ingenieursdisciplines aangeboden. Dit kan in de vorm van een zomerschool, blended intensief programma (BIP), deelname aan een internationale competitie, keuzemodule,...
Casestudy ✔
Groepswerk ✔
Huiswerktaken ✔
Oefeningen ✔
Paper ✔
Presentatie ✔
Seminarie ✔
Verslag ✔
Workshop ✔
Periode 2 Studiepunten 3,00
Evaluatievorm | |
Evaluatievorm in overleg met student tijdens onderwijsperiode | 100 % |
Toelichting | The students will be assessed upon their ability to gather state-of-the-art information from different scientific and engineering areas and combine this knowledge to a final product (or process) which is presented and evaluated by a written or oral work. The evaluation method depends on the available input from the international project or competitions. |
Tweede examenkans
Evaluatievorm tweede examenkans verschillend van eerste examenkans | |
Toelichting evaluatievorm | De opdracht / Het project kan (in overleg met de docenten) eventueel verder worden uitgewerkt. |
1 Onderwijs-, examen- en rechtspositieregeling art. 12.2, lid 2. |
2 Onderwijs-, examen- en rechtspositieregeling art. 16.9, lid 2. |
3 Onderwijs-, examen- en rechtspositieregeling art. 15.1, lid 3.
Legende |
SBU : studiebelastingsuren | SP : studiepunten | N : Nederlands | E : Engels |