Language of instruction : English |
Exam contract: not possible |
No sequentiality
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P1 SBU | P1 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | 2nd Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy for Internal Disorders | Compulsory | 90 | 3,0 | 90 | 3,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| 1. The graduate of the master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy can autonomously (with the help of technology) establish a (contra-)indication for physiotherapy by performing a screening, and make a physiotherapeutic diagnosis at an integrated level for complex problems, based on the presenting complaint, the targeted anamnesis and the clinical physiotherapeutic examination. | | - DC
| The student knows how metabolic examinations are executed in clinical settings | | | - BC
| The student is able to interpret metabolic blood parameters, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and body composition examinations, as well as examinations of the cardiovascular and neurologic system | | | - BC
| The student is able to correctly execute cardiopulmonary exercise testing and body composition examinations, as well as examinations of the cardiovascular and neurologic system | - EC
| 2. The graduate of the master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy can, at an integrated level, on the basis of a physiotherapeutic diagnosis for complex problems, and in consultation with the patient/client, draw up treatment goals and a prevention and treatment plan, implement this plan (with the help of technology) and evaluate its clinical effectiveness. | | - DC
| The student is able to develop a clinically effective and medically safe exercise intervention/rehabilitation programme for patients with metabolic diseases | | | - BC
| The student knows which exercise modalities to select within an exercise intervention | | | - BC
| The student knows how to provide progression within an exercise intervention | | - DC
| The student is able to implement/execute a clinically effective and medically safe exercise intervention/rehabilitation programme for patients with metabolic diseases | | | - BC
| The student takes into account the patient characteristics during exercise intervention | | | - BC
| The student takes into account the logistic capacities during exercise intervention | | - DC
| The student is able to evaluate a clinically effective and medically safe exercise intervention/rehabilitation programme for patients with metabolic diseases | | | - BC
| The student can reflect critically whether the observed changes/progressions in the patient's profile is according to expectations, when using standardised methods at regular intervals | | | - BC
| The student can critically reflect on his/her own therapeutic interventions | - EC
| 9. The graduate of the master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy can make a critical synthesis of international scientific and professional literature with an impact on evidence-based practice. | | - DC
| The student can use international scientific and professional literature with a view to evidence-based practice. | | | - BC
| The student can correctly select international scientific and professional literature with a view to evidence-based practice | | | - BC
| The student can correctly interpret international scientific and professional literature with a view to evidence-based practice | | | - BC
| The student can implement international scientific and professional literature in clinical practice | - EC
| 12. The graduate of the master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy acts in accordance with the principles of general and professional ethics in every phase of physiotherapeutic practice, with respect for the patient’s individuality/privacy. | | - DC
| The student respects the patient's characteristics, opinion and cultural background during assessment and intervention | | | - BC
| The student acts, to a certain extent, according to the opinion, cultural background and preferences of the patient during assessment and intervention |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
This course contains relevant diagnostic assessments, including, blood analysis, body composition analysis, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and the evaluation of the metabolism, cardiovascular and neurologic system. This course also includes pharmacotherapy of metabolic disease, as well in-depth exercise training and programming of metabolic diseases.
Lecture ✔
Practical ✔
Case study ✔
Demonstration ✔
Exercises ✔
Period 1 Credits 3,00 Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Recommended course material |
Students wil recieve peer-reveiwed articles from medical journals which will support the lectures and practical classes. |
 | Exchange Programme Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy | Optional | 90 | 3,0 | 90 | 3,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
This course contains relevant diagnostic assessments, including, blood analysis, body composition analysis, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and the evaluation of the metabolism, cardiovascular and neurologic system. This course also includes pharmacotherapy of metabolic disease, as well in-depth exercise training and programming of metabolic diseases.
Lecture ✔
Practical ✔
Case study ✔
Demonstration ✔
Exercises ✔
Recommended course material |
Students wil recieve peer-reveiwed articles from medical journals which will support the lectures and practical classes. |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |