Experimental Design in Environmental Health Sciences (3961)

Contact Person :Prof. dr. Nelly SAENEN
Coordinating lecturer :Prof. dr. Nelly SAENEN 
Co-lecturer :Prof. dr. Michelle PLUSQUIN 
Member of the teaching team :Prof. dr. Anitha ETHIRAJAN 
 Prof. dr. Ann CUYPERS 
 dr. Annelies VANHEEL 
 Prof. dr. Dirk VALKENBORG 
 dr. Dries MARTENS 
 Prof. dr. Eric CAERS 
 Mevrouw Eva CORDERY 
 dr. Evi DONS 
 Prof. dr. Geert-Jan GRAULUS 
 dr. Gitte SLINGERS 
 Prof. dr. Jerome HENDRIKS 
 Mevrouw Jolien VAN HAARLEM 
 Prof. dr. Karen SMEETS 
 Prof. dr. Kris JANSSENS 
 Prof. dr. Maarten VANHOVE 
 Prof. dr. Nele HOREMANS 
 De heer Peter BOGAERTS 
 dr. Roger GODSCHALK  
 dr. Sofie THIJS 
 Prof. dr. Sophie HENDRIX 
 Prof. dr. Steven ABRAMS 
 dr. Theo DE KOK 
 Prof. dr. Tim NAWROT 
 Prof. dr. Veerle SOMERS 
 De heer Vincent JAENEN 
 Prof. dr. Wim PINXTEN 

Language of instruction : English

Exam contract: not possible

   Mandatory sequentiality bound on the programme
  For the following study programmes you must have acquired a number of credit certificates, exemptions, already tolerated unsatisfactory grades or selected tolerable unsatisfactory grades. The required number of credits is mentioned for each study programme.
    Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 160,0 stptn

Degree programmeStudy hoursCreditsP1 SBUP1 SP2nd Chance Exam1Tolerance2Final grade3
1st year Master of Biomedical Sciences - Environmental Health SciencesCompulsory2168,02168,0YesYesNumerical

first year Master of Biomedical Sciences - Clinical Biomedical SciencesOptional2168,02168,0YesYesNumerical

1   examination regulations art.1.3, section 4.
2   examination regulations art.4.7, section 2.
3   examination regulations art.2.2, section 3.

SBU : course load SP : ECTSN : DutchE : English