Language of instruction : English |
Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
It is advised to take up '4913 Masterproef' within the same academic year (simultaneously).
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P1 SBU | P1 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | 2nd year Master of Materiomics | Compulsory | 81 | 3,0 | 81 | 3,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 4. The graduate of the Master of Materiomics programme is able to autonomously consult, summarise and critically interpret international scientific literature, reference it correctly and use it to explore and identify new domains relevant to the field. | | - DC
| DC4.1 The student is able to look up and select appropriate international scientific literature from a variety of disciplines related to materials-related problems or research questions. | | - DC
| DC4.2 The student is able to correctly and completely reference to scientific literature. | - EC
| EC 5. The graduate of the Master of Materiomics programme can independently design and carry out scientific research: formulate a research question and hypothesis, select the appropriate methods and techniques, critically analyse and interpret the results, formulate conclusions, report scientifically and manage research data. | | - DC
| DC5.2 The student can formulate one or more research question(s) and/or hypothesis(s) for a material-related problem, and link research objectives to them. | | - DC
| DC5.3 The student is able to think critically about a (new) experimental or theoretical methodology to achieve the predefined research objective, select and/or develop valid methods and techniques, write them down and carry them out. | | - DC
| DC5.5 The student can, within the possibilities and limitations of the given context or circumstances, accommodate and direct changes in the planning of a research process. | | - DC
| DC5.10 The student is able to apply various scientific reporting methods e.g., project reporting, article, poster/oral presentation,.... | - EC
| EC 6. The graduate of the Master of Materiomics programme is able to communicate in both written and spoken form and to take a well-argued position in a scientific discussion, going from a general to a specialist level, adapted to the target audience. | | - DC
| DC6.1 The student is able to report orally and in writing in an adequate manner. | | - DC
| DC6.2 The student is able to adapt to the purpose and target audience of the communication, i.e., can empathize with the target audience and make appropriate choices regarding language use and format. | - EC
| EC 8. The graduate of the Master of Materiomics programme is able to act with integrity and independently judge ethical and societal implications of scientific developments in one’s domain with particular attention to sustainability. | | - DC
| DC8.4 The student is able to explain the applicable code of conduct regarding research integrity, reflect on it and act accordingly. | | - DC
| DC8.5 The student knows the rules concerning ethical scientific publishing, especially in relation to plagiarism, falsification and the fabrication of data, and can apply these to his/her publications within the study program such as the master''s thesis, lab reports, etc. | - EC
| EC 10. The graduate of the Master of Materiomics programme is able to autonomously acquire new knowledge and monitor, evaluate and adjust one’s learning process. | | - DC
| DC 10.2 The student is able to formulate goals and priorities, translate an assignment into subtasks, and create a realistic schedule. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
In this course the students will learn skills to manage their master thesis projects and successfully write and present their projects. In addition, also ethical considerations in research are covered as well as correct statistical analysis of their data. The content is divided in the following modules:
- Module 1: Research project and planning
- Module 2: Scientific writing and communication
- Module 3: Data collection and analysis
- Module 4: Research integrity
Collective feedback moment ✔
Distance learning ✔
Lecture ✔
Presentation ✔
Report ✔
Period 1 Credits 3,00
Evaluation method | |
Written evaluaton during teaching periode | 65 % |
Transfer of partial marks within the academic year | ✔ |
Conditions transfer of partial marks within the academic year | Only for report and quiz, if the student obtains at least 10/20. |
Oral evaluation during teaching period | 35 % |
Transfer of partial marks within the academic year | ✔ |
Additional information | For students with exam contract, all evaluations during the teaching period will be replaced by evaluations in the exam period. In addition, the peer feedback during the teaching period will be replaced by an alternative assignment. |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Explanation (English) | The presentation and peer review can not be repeated/ retaken. |
Compulsory course material |
The online module and all slides, readers, papers and other supporting materials will be provided on Blackboard. |
Recommended reading |
- Practical research: planning and design,Leedy, P. D., Ormrod, J. E.,9th ed.
- Handbook of scientific proposal writing,Oruc, A. Y,Chapman and Hall/CRC,
- Scientific writing and communication: Papers, proposals, and presentations,Hofmann, A. H.,3rd ed.,Oxford University Press
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |