Language of instruction : English |
Exam contract: not possible |
Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
For following programme components you must have acquired a credit certificate, exemption, already tolerated unsatisfactory grade or selected tolerable unsatisfactory grade.
Bachelor's thesis (3748)
9.0 stptn |
Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
Biosensors (3967)
5.0 stptn |
Chemistry of surfaces (3968)
5.0 stptn |
Experimental Design in Bioelectronics & Nanotechnology (3966)
8.0 stptn |
Risks or safety issues based on which this sequentiality is imposed
Any risk that endangers the physical/mental health of the student, a fellow-student, staff members or other third parties (e.g. patients, internship providers, etc.). This includes a serious risk that the student will cause damage to machinery/equipment in the context of the programme at Hasselt University/tUL which would impede the continuity of education or research.
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P3 SBU | P3 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | 1st year Master of Biomedical Sciences - Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology | Compulsory | 405 | 15,0 | 405 | 15,0 | Yes | No | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| 2. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can independently and critically perform a literature search. | - EC
| 3. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can draw up a new research hypothesis based on his or her own findings or based on the findings of others, and work out a research proposal for this. | - EC
| 4. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences has knowledge of state-of-the-art techniques within biomedical research and is able to apply these techniques, taking into account the applicable quality standards. | - EC
| 5. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can independently process and statistically analyze research results, and formulate conclusions. | - EC
| 6. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can report scientific findings in writing and orally to both experts and a wide audience in a structured way. | - EC
| 7. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences takes a critical attitude towards one's own research and that of others. | - EC
| 8. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can actively participate in an international research environment. | - EC
| 9. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can set up, conduct and report biomedical research in an ethical manner and with integrity, taking into account current regulations. | - EC
| 11. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences can function in a multidisciplnary team and can fulfill a bridging function between the various actors in health care. The graduate knows the importance and needs of the various stakeholders within the life sciences. | - EC
| 12. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences has an attitude for lifelong learning and for constantly adjusting one's own professional thinking and acting. | - EC
| BEN 2. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences specialisation Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology is able to give a broad overview of the manipulation as well as use of key materials in bio-electronics and biological material in biosensors for a better diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. | - EC
| BEN 3. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences specialisation Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology has a comprehensive understanding of, and the ability to determine the (bio)chemical and physical characteristics of various materials and their applications in life sciences. | - EC
| BEN 4. A graduate of the Master of Biomedical Sciences specialisation Bioelectronics and Nanotechnology has technical skills in material development, several nano- and micro fabrication methods, and a broad variety of physical, chemical and biological characterization techniques that enable interdisciplinary approaches for advanced diagnosis and therapy. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
- For students with Biomedical Science backgrround (Ba-BMW): 2 internships of equal duration in physics and chemistry (or the industry-oriented internship).
- For the students with non-biomedical background: one internship in either physics or chemistry and one in BIOMED (equal duration internships)
- For students going abroad via Erasmus scholarships: Topics covering 2 disciplines is a prerequisite (e.g., Material development / material characterization for biomedical applications; Development of methods relevant to biomedical science)
The student
- acquires hands-on experience through active participation within the biomedical field
- gains insight in the organization's processes, culture, mission, and values
- can translate and apply theoretical concepts into practical applications
- can independently translate a problem into a relevant research question and can search, select, critically interpret, and summarize relevant scientific literature
- can analyse and report obtained findings in writing and orally to both experts and a wide audience
- can constructively collaborate within an interdisciplinary team
- can proactively seek opportunities to connect with professionals within and outside the organization to build a professional network
- can reflect on their own strengths and areas for improvement, and use feedback to enhance own work and competencies
Internship ✔
Presentation ✔
Report ✔
Period 3 Credits 15,00
Evaluation method | |
Evaluation method in consultation with student during teaching period | 100 % |
Transfer of partial marks within the academic year | ✔ |
Conditions transfer of partial marks within the academic year | the process is not resitable in either internship option and this partial mark is retained |
Explanation (English) | Students are given an informed choice in October. During the first lecture, they receive information about the content and evaluation of the two types of internships. After this, they make a choice, which is fixed for that academic year.
The grades within each of the internship options are as follows and differ from each other:
Research-oriented junior internship:
- Process: 50% NO resit - Report: 25% Resit - Presentation: 25% (10% pitch pop science) Resit
Industry oriented junior internship:
- Process: 40% (rubric process internships) No resit - Report: 10% (limited content report) Resit - Presentation: 30% (20% presentation end of internship + 10% vlog) Resit - Growth and reflection: 20% (follow-up document, intervision) Resit |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Evaluation is based on 3 elements for the research-oriented internship: practical internship, individual written report and individual oral defence. The internship itself cannot be retaken in the second session, but the report and/or oral defence can. Evaluation is based on 4 elements for the industry-oriented internship: practical internship, individual written report, individual oral defence and growth and reflection. The internship itself cannot be retaken in the second term, but the report, growth and reflection and/or oral defence can. |
Consequences | A student that gains a score lower than 10/20 on one or more of the evaluation elements (Practical work, individual written report, growth and reflection (for industry-oriented internships) and individual oral presentation and defense of research results) receives "fail" as final score. |
Compulsory course material |
All lecture materials will be available through Blackboard or distributed during the lecture. |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |