Language of instruction : English |
Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
Analysis 1 (4552)
4.0 stptn |
Functional- and Fourieranalysis (3985)
4.0 stptn |
Linear algebra (3983)
4.0 stptn |
Numerical methods 1 (1805)
4.0 stptn |
Numerical methods 2 (3238)
4.0 stptn |
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P2 SBU | P2 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | Bachelor of Mathematics year 3 - pakket toegepaste wiskunde | Optional | 135 | 5,0 | 135 | 5,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
Exchange Programme Mathematics | Optional | 135 | 5,0 | 135 | 5,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has a thorough basic knowledge and insight in various disciplines of Mathematics including algebra, geometry, analysis, numerical mathematics, probability theory, statistics, aspects of discrete mathematics and logic. | | - DC
| 1.4: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has a thorough basic knowledge and understanding of numerical mathematics | - EC
| EC 2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has an advanced knowledge and insight into the main branches of Mathematics (pure mathematics, applied mathematics,...). | | - DC
| 2.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme possesses advanced knowledge and understanding of applied mathematics | - EC
| EC 3: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has mastered the formal mathematical language and methodology. He/she is able to work at a sufficiently high level of abstraction. | | - DC
| 3.1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme masters mathematical notation | | - DC
| 3.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can understand abstract reasoning and its message | | - DC
| 3.4: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can understand the consequences (implications) of abstract reasoning | - EC
| EC 4: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme is able to understand a mathematical proof, he/she is able to judge whether an argument is correct and is able to understand which properties are used (in the context of the acquired knowledge). He/she can identify a gap or a redundant step in a proof or a calculation. | | - DC
| 4.1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can understand and assess the correctness of a mathematical proof or argument | - EC
| EC 5: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can apply the theories and methods to relatively simple mathematical problems (theoretical as well as computational). He/she can make and write down a mathematical line of reasoning by him/herself. | | - DC
| 5.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can apply mathematical theories to analyze simple mathematical problems | | - DC
| 5.3: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can, by using various proof techniques (e.g., direct/axiomatic proof, induction, incongruity, contraposition, counterexample, infinite descent), independently formulate and write a proof and mathematically correct argument within the material learned | - EC
| EC 6: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme is able to integrate the acquired knowledge in new mathematical topics. He/she understands the connection between subjects. | | - DC
| 6.1: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can recognize common mathematical and logical principles in various mathematical subfields | | - DC
| 6.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can take a bird''s eye view of various mathematical topics and subfields | | - DC
| 6.3: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme understands the relationship between various topics | | - DC
| 6.4: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can integrate principles learned in one topic into another, new topic | - EC
| EC 7: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme is able to autonomously comprehend new mathematical basic texts.
| | - DC
| 7.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can independently read new mathematical English basic texts comprehensively | - EC
| EC 10: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has knowledge of a number of applications of mathematics. | | - DC
| 10.2: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme has knowledge of data analysis | - EC
| EC 15: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme is able to carry out by him/herself (or in group) a limited study on a mathematical topic, i.e. to use scientific sources in a critical manner, to carry out, report (in LaTex as well) and present the study.
| | - DC
| 15.4: A graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics programme can present orally on the results of a study undertaken |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
In this course we discuss topics from numerical analysis. These can vary each year. During the first class, possible topics will be presented and will be chosen in consultation with the students. Examples of topics are:
-- Optimization with side conditions (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, linear programming, ...)
-- Gradient and stochastic gradient descent
-- Deep neural networks
-- Krylov subspace methods
-- Multigrid
-- ...
Students must develop the topics themselves and present them in lecture format. The assessment will consist of an oral examination in the exam period. All students are expected to know all topics, not just the ones they worked out themselves.
Flipped Classroom ✔
Seminar ✔
Period 2 Credits 5,00
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | At a minimum, a student must participate in all parts of the evaluation and comply with the conditions imposed. The seminar must be assessed as good to acquire sign-off. |
Consequences | If a student fails to comply with one (or more) of the elements of the evaluation and the conditions imposed, the student will receive as a result for the course unit an "N: examination not taken part in its entirety: unauthorized absence for part(s) of the evaluation¨ |
Second examination period
Evaluation second examination opportunity different from first examination opprt | |
Explanation (English) | 100% oral exam and, if necessary, reworking of the seminar by the deadline set by the coordinator. |
Compulsory course material |
The lecturers will provide the necessary study materials. |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |