Language of instruction : English |
Exam contract: not possible |
Mandatory sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Following programme components must have been included in your study programme in a previous education period
Laboratory skills (2918)
3.0 stptn |
Advising sequentiality bound on the level of programme components
Following programme components are advised to also be included in your study programme up till now.
Chemistry for Life Sciences 1 (2919)
5.0 stptn |
Molecular genetics (3726)
5.0 stptn |
| Degree programme | | Study hours | Credits | P1 SBU | P1 SP | 2nd Chance Exam1 | Tolerance2 | Final grade3 | |
 | 3rd year Bachelor of Biology | Compulsory | 135 | 5,0 | 135 | 5,0 | Yes | Yes | Numerical |  |
| Learning outcomes |
- EC
| EC 3:A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme takes into account the necessity of the inter- and multidisciplinary approach to examine the living world in all its aspects. He/she has to that end extensive knowledge and insight in other relevant fields of science (chemistry, physics, geology). | - EC
| EC 5: A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme is able to carefully run experiments and to make observations in which he/she strives for the highest possible accuracy and acts with integrity in his or her observations and measurements. | - EC
| EC 7: A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme is, under supervision, able to evaluate research methods and interpretations in a critical manner and is able to determine intrinsic uncertainties and limitations. | - EC
| EC 8: A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme is able to report and present orally and in writing in Dutch and in English. He or she is able to communicate about his or her field of study both with colleagues and non-colleagues. | - EC
| EC 10: A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme is able to function as a member of a team. | - EC
| EC 11: A graduate of the Bachelor of Biology programme behaves according to the ethical, moral, philosophical, legal and safety aspects of his or her field of study. |
| EC = learning outcomes DC = partial outcomes BC = evaluation criteria |
- The student(s) can differentiate chemicals based on bond types and molecular structure
- The student(s) can explain and apply the fundamentals of spectroscopy, especially photo spectrometry to simple molecules (Course "Chemie voor levenswetenschappen 1")
The aim of this course it to make the student aware of techniques used in biological research, from the molecular to the global scale. The students will be introduced to the principles and research applications of (by increasing degree of organization):
- DNA sequencing (Sanger and next generation with applications in transcriptomics, genotyping and genomic variation discovery, de novo genome assembly and metagenome analysis)
- Microscopy (light, darkfield, phase contrast, DIC, UV and fluorescence, confocal microscopy, electronic microscopy, tunneling electron microscopy)
- Chromatography (gas chromatography, HPLC, column chromatography, gas/liquid chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, GC/MS and LC MS)
- Spectroscopy (asborbance, fluorescence, infrared, raman, and NMR)
- Electrophoresis (gradient, pulse field, capillary)
- Remote sensing, at both the plant and the landscape scale
- Climate monitoring and manipulations (eddy covariance towers, free air CO2 enrichment, IR heaters, rain curtains, lysimeters, ecotrons). This will be accompanied by more general lectures putting these techniques in a broader context
- Experimental design
- Mainstream biological models
- Techniques and ethics
At the end of the course, the student should be able to chose the method best adapted to a give biological question. This will also be the topic of the course task done throughout the semester by students in small groups.
Lecture ✔
Practical ✔
Project ✔
Response lecture ✔
Period 1 Credits 5,00
Evaluation method | |
Written evaluaton during teaching periode | 20 % |
Other | The project work will be evaluated with a written report and an oral defence and will count for 20% of the final mark. |
Written exam | 80 % |
Other | Written exam (80% of the final mark) in Dutch or English, upon request. |
Evaluation conditions (participation and/or pass) | ✔ |
Conditions | Participation to practical exercises and demonstrations is required to be allowed to pass the written exam.
Participation to all evaluations is mandatory. |
Consequences | If a student does not participate at one of the parts of evaluation as stated before, he/she will obtain a -N- ('examenonderdeel niet volledig afgelegd: ongewettigd afwezig voor onderde(e)len van de evaluatie') as a final grade for this course. |
Compulsory course material |
Power point presentations, course texts |
Recommended reading |
Introduction to Instrumentation in Life Sciences,Prakash Singh Bisen, Anjana Sharma,9781466512405,Available as e-book: |
1 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.12.2, section 2. |
2 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.16.9, section 2. |
3 Education, Examination and Legal Position Regulations art.15.1, section 3.
Legend |
SBU : course load | SP : ECTS | N : Dutch | E : English |